Monday, March 19, 2012

A life worth writing about

Hello, to all the people who decide to read my ramblings.
So here I am sitting on my couch ( a very good place to sit if you ask me).  Today was a great day of lazy... I slept in...ahhhh... I played some video game... did a load of laundry... decided to make peanut butter marshmallow squares. UMMMMMMM
and the best part of it all was the smile I got from Mr. N when he tasted the yummy squares.
I know it may not be the right thing to say during these modern times... but I like being a wife and making little treats that make my husband smile..... I would like to lead you to believe that I am the perfect wife... I only do things that make my husband smile.... However that is not true I am still a slug (not a tidy person) I still reheat food instead of making fresh dinner every night.... I still get grumpy.... so the long and short of it is I am still ME. :)