Thursday, April 28, 2011


Not so much psychically lost (as I am sitting on my couch). Mentally lost... my inspiration has left me.... or I left it in the mountains... watching the snow fall on houses just not inspiring.

ohhh I know VIDEO GAMES! I now play video games!! Well play may be to much hype for what I actually do. It is more like I now loose video games gracefully. I have found I like games geared for children more than first person shooting role playing dragon slaying games... racing in a car as a lion... now that is more my speed.  I still loose but now there is no blood involved. 
Oh and I did find one game that I am good at... and by good I am just saying I picked it up faster than the other more seasoned game players out there.... and that is ..... wait for it.... are you waiting? COW RACING it is on the Wii Play disc and I love it... there is not much to it (guess that is why I can handle it) If you have never tried it really you should!! It is amazing!! (well to me)

Another video game thing that I like is watching other people play Wii Fit. Oh it is so good... and I am guessing that it makes me a little bit evil.

Well I should let you go as I am sure you have exciting things to do today!!

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Love Sunshine

As you can tell from the title of this post.... I love sunshine... there is just something so AMAZING about it. It could be that right now I am sitting in a sunbeam looking out the window at the trees swaying in the breeze and the mountains standing majestically in the background. Quite wonderful I assure you.

Today I needed to focus on the wonderful sunshine because... I broke my old camera this morning... sadness upon sadness... but it hit a slate fireplace wall thing and then went crashing to the floor and with a sicking plastic breaking sound that was it... it was a good camera... and I have had it for about 6 years or so. Really I got many great shots and could not ask more from my little camera.

I just can't help but feel guilty because I have just purchased a new camera... and it is lovely... have not quite figured it out yet but I am getting there. (It is only a week old). Due to the fact that I am who I am (I like to add human emotions to non- human objects I do believe that is called personification but just call it awesome) I could just hear my new Cannon mocking my old nikon (in a heavy Ukrainian accent) "Hello small one... It is time that you have gone... I am now here and with my 35x optical zoom and my 14.1 mega pixels you are no longer needed. Charlotte does not love about you...or she would have never bought me. Face it... you are old... and out of date... she can do better and she has."  I just don't know if I can work with such a rude condescending camera... and yes I am well aware that Cannon is made in Japan and not Ukraine. But it seemed to fit me better.

I will add in some of my pictures from my lovely trip to the mountains. If they turn out and any are worth sharing.

What else to share... ummmm... not much right now...

Unless you add room for another thought on hockey... I realized that I am starting to know some hockey terms... because last night Mr N used the term "short handed goal" and I knew what that meant... Gasp.. really what is this world coming to? I have been blissfully ignorant of this sport they call hockey for 27 years and now in no time.. I am starting to know things... and even found my self wanting to turn on the game. True story...

Well I think that is actually all I have to say at this time.

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ohhhh Shiny

Good- Morning!!
Well I thought I would type while this whole blogging thing is still new and exciting (hoping to form a habit, for when the shine wears off). No need to worry, I will not be adding entries every day... but since I am up and the computer is un attended... ba ha ha... watch out world.

So I am sitting here trying hard figure out what to say. I know what you are thinking "Charlotte lost for words!! What is this world coming to?!!??" Take a slow deep breath and let me assure you I am not at all lost for things to say. I am just wondering which one to tell you about first?

First I guess we should address the strangest change in my life. HOCKEY!! That's right I watch it on T.V (during playoffs only). I sit in cold arenas wrapped in blankets wearing mittens wondering how people don't fall down and break their necks. (really only watching one player and boy is he fast... I loose track of him a lot) I have even attended an NHL game (okay lets be honest the tickets were given to me for free but I did go)

So what cataclysmic event could cause this change? You got it right.... that is you got it right if you guessed a man. What I like about hockey is I get to spend lots of time reading snuggled up next to my MR. N. He watches and I consult my handy pocket dictionary of hockey terms. (Best birthday present ever). Now this girl who loves random facts knows just enough about hockey to be dangerous. Now I have a few great hockey facts to add to my random facts file in my brain. (don't ask me what they are cause they only come out when they want to). Oh and I have discovered that people are very passionate about this sport. You have to be careful what you say and how you say it... you can offend people just by wearing a sweater.

I have to say that my favourite thing about hockey.... is comparing it to grade 2 and recess... I am trying hard to learn not to comment on how strange the rules seem to be. But you know me I am not very good at keeping my thoughts to my self. I do however try hard to keep them to intermission and commercials.
My second favourite thing about the playoffs... FOOD... did you know that people like to snack during games... oh yah... so I have tried making many different (quiet) foods to go with the games... ummm chicken wings... so many foods to try and make. I find my self hoping the team that Mr. N watches makes it farther in the playoffs as I have more recipes that I would like to try out. As you can see I have discovered there is more to this game that meets the eye. A FOOD TESTER THAT DOES NOT MOVE FOR HOURS!! Really what more could a girl ask for? If I had known I may have gotten into this watching sports thing sooner.

As you can tell I could go on for a very long time. But as I am in the mountains (radium) I need to get going. There are adventures. (even if that only includes looking out the window)

till next time... enjoy your tomorrow

Monday, April 25, 2011

Updates are fun

Hello, so if you have come here looking for an update on me (Charlotte) than you have come to the right place. If you have come here looking for something wonderful and grammatically well written. Then back away... put your computer down and look some where else.

SOOooooOOOOooo here it goes an update all about me.

1. I teach grade 2 and it is up for debate daily who has more fun... me... or the kids...
2. I met the most wonderful man and he and I are going to get married.
3. My health has not been on my side (sadly I have been off work since February) but my plan is to get better kick this heath stuff in the bottom and continue living my life.
4. In the last 4 years I have challenged what people think is Gluten free/ Dairy free cooking and continued to create yummy treats... that make people say "who needs gluten and dairy anyways" boo yah.
5. Because of #2 I now watch hockey (and try my hardest to understand it)

That is all for now

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow