Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Love Sunshine

As you can tell from the title of this post.... I love sunshine... there is just something so AMAZING about it. It could be that right now I am sitting in a sunbeam looking out the window at the trees swaying in the breeze and the mountains standing majestically in the background. Quite wonderful I assure you.

Today I needed to focus on the wonderful sunshine because... I broke my old camera this morning... sadness upon sadness... but it hit a slate fireplace wall thing and then went crashing to the floor and with a sicking plastic breaking sound that was it... it was a good camera... and I have had it for about 6 years or so. Really I got many great shots and could not ask more from my little camera.

I just can't help but feel guilty because I have just purchased a new camera... and it is lovely... have not quite figured it out yet but I am getting there. (It is only a week old). Due to the fact that I am who I am (I like to add human emotions to non- human objects I do believe that is called personification but just call it awesome) I could just hear my new Cannon mocking my old nikon (in a heavy Ukrainian accent) "Hello small one... It is time that you have gone... I am now here and with my 35x optical zoom and my 14.1 mega pixels you are no longer needed. Charlotte does not love about you...or she would have never bought me. Face it... you are old... and out of date... she can do better and she has."  I just don't know if I can work with such a rude condescending camera... and yes I am well aware that Cannon is made in Japan and not Ukraine. But it seemed to fit me better.

I will add in some of my pictures from my lovely trip to the mountains. If they turn out and any are worth sharing.

What else to share... ummmm... not much right now...

Unless you add room for another thought on hockey... I realized that I am starting to know some hockey terms... because last night Mr N used the term "short handed goal" and I knew what that meant... Gasp.. really what is this world coming to? I have been blissfully ignorant of this sport they call hockey for 27 years and now in no time.. I am starting to know things... and even found my self wanting to turn on the game. True story...

Well I think that is actually all I have to say at this time.

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow

1 comment:

  1. Soon your new camera will lose the chip on its shoulder and be a good companion. He may even weep at the sad fate of your old one.
