Monday, April 25, 2011

Updates are fun

Hello, so if you have come here looking for an update on me (Charlotte) than you have come to the right place. If you have come here looking for something wonderful and grammatically well written. Then back away... put your computer down and look some where else.

SOOooooOOOOooo here it goes an update all about me.

1. I teach grade 2 and it is up for debate daily who has more fun... me... or the kids...
2. I met the most wonderful man and he and I are going to get married.
3. My health has not been on my side (sadly I have been off work since February) but my plan is to get better kick this heath stuff in the bottom and continue living my life.
4. In the last 4 years I have challenged what people think is Gluten free/ Dairy free cooking and continued to create yummy treats... that make people say "who needs gluten and dairy anyways" boo yah.
5. Because of #2 I now watch hockey (and try my hardest to understand it)

That is all for now

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow


  1. Well, my dear friend I am so glad to hear you started a blog. I've recently started one myself and find it (1) addictive and (2) uplifting.

    I am sorry to hear about your allergies. I've developed an intolerance to dairy myself and I take enzymes to help digestion. A friend of mine at work is celiac and so I've spent numerous hours making gluten free dishes so when I bring yummies to school she can enjoy them as well.

    Feel better :)

  2. Yay! Charlotte Blog! This is a great idea... I am happy to be one of your followers...

    Gluten Freely yours,

