Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Summer of Awesome

I have officially declared this summer "The Summer Of Awesome!" 

Please imagine that declaration in an authoritative tone, punctuated by a gavel crashing down onto a desk.
Thank you for your participation in the imagination portion of this blog. (I can't guarantee that there will not be another need for one, so please have your imaginer at the ready)

Why is this the "Summer of Awesome" you may ask. 

Reason #1 I will be celebrating my second year being married to the most amazing man ever

Reason #2 This summer is the first summer that I can remember that I have felt this healthy.
 Energy... who knew?
 Feeling rested? Pish posh!
 Until now these feeling were only distant memories. How distant you ask. Really really distant thanks for asking.

Reason # 3 I would like to announce to the world that I am officially (just over) 3 months seizure free!! oh yah! I said it, no I declared it 3 months people!!! WOOOOOOO

Due in part to these reasons, and many small blessings every day. I am reminded that I have  the most amazing God ever. There were times over the last while that I have been exhausted, sad, lonely and depressed.  There he was, being my shoulder to lean on/ have seizures on. With out him I would have never come through the other side of this.
 With the added blessing of being married to my best friend. 

I would love to impart some wisdom, but really I don't have any. None at all really. 
Except what I read on a church sign. You all know what I am talking about. The ones with the little sayings on them. 

The sign read: When life knocks you to your knees, pray while you are down there.

So people that is it... 3 of the many reasons that this summer is the " Summer of Awesome"

Enjoy the sunshine (if you have some) 
Find the reasons why this will be your summer of awesome.

Until next time, enjoy your tomorrow