Monday, May 9, 2011

Blissfully Random...

I have come to the realization that just because I think something would be fun... the world may just think it is random. Case in point... yesterday there was a moment of sunshine... Mr N and I were walking into a sports store (did you know they have those cause I sure didn't) and they were playing a fun song on the loud speaker... for all you math people and those who know me well here is an equation for you....

Question: Charlotte + Sunshine + Love of her life + good music= ????

Answer: Dancing in the parking lot... enjoying the giggles and random looks from strangers.....

ahhh really does it get more blissfully random than that? Well we are talking about me here... so.... I am guessing this is not the most random thing you could ever think of me doing.  But it was awesome.

My new idea is to share my bliss with others... so I say... Get up.. and today do something random... enjoy the funny looks of those around you!! (boy am I bossy today)
here are some possible options....
1. dance to the music out side of a sports/hockey store
2. smile at a grouchy person
3. put a random note on someones desk at work (appropriate and non harassing)
4. skip... while the person beside you is walking
5. encourage a car dance party... (for ideas on moves youtube "car dance party Moscow style")

there are many more ideas... but for one blog entry it may be overwhelming.

Till next time... enjoy your tomorrow


  1. Oh, you're so much fun. As a fellow parking lot dancer, I salute you!

